I Enjoy Marketing

Hello, world.

You’ve heard from me a lot on Embryo’s blog because I enjoy blogging, so I help out with content. Well, I enjoy everything marketing really, which is the subject of this most recent one!

To dive more into this topic, I’ll talk a little about me and what I’m doing now…

I started working with Embryo in December 2018, after being a freelance marketer for a few agencies here in Manchester. Since December, at Embryo Digital, I have worked in the departments of (in no particular order):

  • SEO.
  • Graphic design.
  • Content writing. 
  • Pay per click marketing.
  • Social media marketing.
  • Paid social.

So yes, I’ve been around a bit. 

When people ask me what I do, I just say marketing, because most of the time I’m doing more than one thing. The reason for this is that I just enjoy every aspect of marketing. Above everything, I’m creative, and I enjoy growing brands. 

My blogs and my day-to-day work is now changing because I’m moving back over to the SEO department to help grow our SEO clients. 

So, you’ll be seeing a lot fewer blogs about paid ads from me and more about search and strategy!

Update over. Speak soon. 

Ronnie x


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